Congratulations to all the students we participated in the Finals Tournament. We had quite the showing and had representation in three categories in the All Star Round. We would also like to thank our judges: Mrs. Ondriezek, Mrs. Cardaro, and Mrs. Domiano.
Poetry: Hadassah Cardaro and Aby Farmer received second awards.
Prose: Julia Skowronski received a first and Emmalin Domiano received a second award.
Impromptu: Ava Shumaker received a second award.
Drama: Vanessa Ibrahim and Louisa Palumbo received first place awards and Ava Myers received a second place award.
Multiple Reading: Evan Crimmins, Greta Magnusen, Carson Gray, Bria Domiano, and Joelle Ondriezek received a first place award.
All Stars All Stars rates all students from all schools, ranking them by categories. Ava was awarded a fifth place in impromptu. Greta, Bria, Evan, Joelle, and Carson took first place in multiple reading, and Vanessa took third place in drama.